Error “Your Connection Is Not Private” – What Does it Mean?

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Your Connection Is Not Private is a commonly known error. When a user visits the website on browser, sends a request to the server through HTTP protocol. It checks the privacy certificates on that site and matches the standard. 

If the privacy standards do not match due to non-updated, it shows an error message.

A protocol that is responsible for data privacy and security

Hypertext transfer protocol-HTTP is the protocol responsible for surfing sites securely. It protects privacy and maintains security between the PC and the server. Integrity and confidentiality is the primary feature of the protocol. HTTP or more secure HTTPS is the mediator for a user to interact with web resources, for example, HTML web pages. It transmits hypertexts to the server from the client side.

 Https works on the upper layer of TCP/IP protocol, the Application layer. HTTP over SSL and HTTPS over TLS, both refers to as secure socket layer previously used and transportation layer security. The method of transmitting data packets in an encrypted format saves it from eavesdropping, the person in the middle attacks, tampering. This protocol included phenomena inside to check the privacy certificates. 

Privacy certificates for online websites

Every authentic site or App must apply to get the privacy certificate to protects user data online. They have to apply to CA (Certificate Authority). The transparency report has shown the vulnerability in certificates for years. Some well-known companies in IT, trying to safeguard it, making it more trustable.

When the user sends a request to interact with the website, the browser checks the privacy certificate presented from a website.

Projects are running that checks the correctness of the certificates issued to a website.

The search facility for the domain is available, where the website owner can check their site domain for certificate authentication.

Moreover, Google stimulates Certificate Authority to provide certificates that can be verifiable in public and add logs that check for tempering. Some browsers like google chrome, Mozilla rejects the sites that do not contain such log-program free from tamper.

Error messages due to privacy failure in a site

There have been various error messages that alert for privacy issues when privacy certificates do not match its standard. HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol secure) has a privacy framework that matches its security rules to the certificate containing the website.

The cause of the error would be the same, but the message alert varies for every browser. 

In Mozilla Firefox, privacy failure causes appear warning messages (Potential Security Risk Ahead). On clicking an advance button option right there, it takes the user to visit the error page. On the error page, the user can see the actual technical issue. Some error names that Mozilla generally shows for their security; (SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER, ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT, MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_MITM_DETECTED).

There are methods to detect and troubleshoot those errors. If Firefox found a mismatch of privacy standards, it stops the site due to security reasons.

Google chrome is a browser that is foremost in the current time. It is prominent for its feasibility and secure browsing environment features. It also facilitated the capacity of the fast loading of the sites. When the privacy checks pop-up in chrome, it shows the message, your connection is not private. This page of chrome also provides the option to re-check the settings. Google chrome firstly provides the incognito mode to ensure the privacy of user data.

Three dots in the upper right of the settings have the option to open a window in incognito mode. All browsers may have privacy issues for the same reasons. Maybe the certificate for SSL is expired. It is not well-authenticated from an untrusted issuing authority. There might be an SSL setup that is not correct.

Error Variations in Different Browser

Google Chrome

  • NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID (this occurs when the certificate does not match the domain)

Mozilla Firefox


Microsoft Edge

  • NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID (this occurs when the certificate does not match the domain)
  • Error Code: 0


In Safari, the error message will be “Your connection is not private.”

How to fix: Your Connection is not Private

However, It may not be at the higher level, but the user can try to resolve the issues related to security. Generally, the client gets the messages for privacy errors or gets stuck due to sites not getting open. Every browser has inside security builds and protocols that block the sites to safeguard the user data on its system.

Some troubleshooting techniques are there, which every user can try to resolve the error coming due to privacy insecurity.

  • If the error is due to the expired SSL certificate, in that case, the user can only inform the site owner to update that security certificate. However, the information of a developer or owner is not available. Try a different website for a similar purpose.
  • Another method is to delete the cookies and clear the cache from the browser. Clearing the browser cache can be very helpful to have a new website opening without any trouble just because of previous loaded sites.
  • Test the failure of chrome Extension and open the same site in incognito mode. The website getting open accurately, then disable the extension and again regularly open the site.
  • Put off the Antivirus software from the PC. Antivirus is advance and updated for the latest threats. More often, websites do not have an update for new issues. The SSL certificates may be old. Antivirus could be misunderstanding some sites as insecure. For a temporary time duration, disable the antivirus and see if it works.
  • Furthermore, check the PC clock for the correct time as the browser check the SSL certificate expiration date. Typically it compares with the timing of the computer`s clock.
  • The error can be only on one page of the website. If the website is trusted and known, click to open it from the given link below the error text.
  • One more quick option is to reload the website that might get stuck due to technical issues or internet connection.
  • If the user is surfing with the public internet Wi-Fi such as railway stations, Hotels, or airports, the browser blocks the sites usually. To resolve this issue, the user should open Non-SSL websites once or open any login page. The browser then understands that the site is secure, accepts the location agreement, and checks the terms.